Friday, February 23, 2007

AFF & Kino Kabaret 07

Something that I've been looking forward for the last two years is the Adelaide Film Festival 2007. This amazing biennial festival is always so enjoying and mind-blowing; I just hope I can afford the sort of experience that I managed last time as a volunteer.

A major part of this festival for me will be the Kino Kabaret 2007. Kino Kabarets involves rapid-fire film-making: scripting, shooting, cutting and screening short films in the space of 48 hrs. There are four screenings: an opening night, and then one at the end of each of the three 48 hour periods (if that made sense). Screening dates are as follows:
Sunday, 25th February
Tuesday, 27th February
Thursday, 1st March
Saturday, 3rd March

All screenings start at 9pm, all are being held at Electric Light Hotel & Producers Bar (235 Grenfell St, Adelaide SA) and all are FREE, baby! Come along, cheer us on, and let us know if you want to join in.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Pictures: Emily Smart EP launch

Emily Smart
Originally uploaded by JCriquet.

A few pictures from Emily Smart's EP launch last night are up now on flickr. Enjoy, and congratulations, Em, on a fantastic show!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Lance Campbell writes up Alan Sheldon, Adelaide Punk

Great news for my friend and colleague, Alan Sheldon, who, along with his film, Adelaide Punk, has garnered a mention in the newest issue of SALife magazine (February 2007 Vol 4 No. 2, p94-95). In his article "Location, Location", Lance Campbell, the magazine's Arts Editor includes a side-article entitled "It Could Happen To You", wherein he discusses how Alan came to use his own Adelaide cottage for interiors and exteriors in Adelaide Punk.

...A dozen fledgling filmmakers descended on his place to make Adelaide Punk, a film fairytale by Alan Sheldon. The scenes were finished in a day in Lance's kitchen and living room, the film is 10 minutes long and out now on DVD.

Congrats, Alan, and good on you to Lance for being such a great sport - what a lovely house you have!

UPDATE: With further thanks to Lance and to Jacqui Williams, Editor of SALife, I can include this .pdf of the article for those non-South Australians out there. Thanks, guys!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Emily Smart EP launch & Trav Nash Fringe show!

Suit Up!'s Emily Smart has another big show coming up, this time to launch her new solo EP. I've uploaded the poster, but keen eyes (like mine!) might already have spotted it around Adelaide. In any case, the details are as follows:
Jive (181 Hindley St, Adelaide)
8pm, 10th February 2007
featuring Cookie Baker and Nadjeska
Entry is $10

In other news of upcoming events, Suit Up!'s favourite Adelaide comedian, our very own Trav Nash, has a show coming up in Adelaide's 2007 Fringe Festival
Trav Nash has Lost The Plot
Rhino Room (downstairs)
6:30pm March 27th - 31st
Entry $15 ($10 conc.)
Tickets from FringeTIX