Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Jeff Pulver and Network 2.0

Welcome to to the future of TV on the Internet. Let Network2 be your guide to tv shows only available on the Internet.
I've been watching quite a bit of Internet video in the last couple of days. It probably would've been to my benefit to have better researched what was already out there in terms of applying a model to how things would turn out. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure we'll still be fine. But there really is a lot of cool stuff out there.

My hot favourite at the moment has to be Cerealized, a genuinely funny 24-part series about three flatmates and three breakfast table bickering. I've seen four episodes: all good. The show started in October last year, and seems to be on hiatus at the moment. I've still got plenty more to see, though, so it's cool.

I've been watching them on Network 2.0, an off-shoot of that is a directory of Internet-only shows. Since Jeff Pulver mentioned me (and Suit Up!) on his blog the other day, we've had a bit of a discourse about Internet TV, and he's let me preview some of the stuff they have in store for Network 2.0.

Here's the Network 2.0 definition of Internet TV:
An Internet only TV Show should be a source of video content that is orginial, consistently updated, and entertaining. It should not be alternate viewing or portions of broadcast content, an aggregation of user submitted, user generated, or viral video with minimal original contribution, or purely personal vlog with a dearth of general interest or entertaining material.
I think Suit Up! makes the grade in this regard, but we're also going to have to set up a dedicated RSS feed. Easy enough with the feed, but as I've mentioned before, it's the hosting that I think's going to be the tricky part.

Further reading:
Jeff Pulver being interviewed on Rocketboom.


Jeff Pulver said...

Looking forward to adding Suit Up! to the list of shows on :)

Best wishes from New York.

JCriquet said...

Thanks, Jeff! Right back atcha... but from Adelaide, obviously. :D

Unknown said...

Hey James update your Blog
or I'm releasing mean robots!
who will steal your ice cream!


JCriquet said...

Hey, Trav. Sorry for the lack of updates. I know I've been complacent, but I'm still alive. There's just not been a lot of Suit Up! stuff happening in the last little while. Rest assured that once the wheels start moving again, I'll start posting here. :D