Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Jeff Pulver Blog: Jeff's Guide to "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet"

Somewhere between the world of professionally "produced" TV shows and personal video blogs lies the world of what can be best described as "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet."
As posted by Robert Scoble.
Now's not the time, but I hope to get a chance to have a look at some of these on the weekend. Feel free to check them out yourself. If you see something cool, then let me know.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

In the thick of it...

If anyone ever finds that I have written wanky lines like "a nuanced performance" ever again, please shoot me.

All this sync-ing and re-recording is doing my head in.

Title Card

Title Card
Originally uploaded by JCriquet.

Here's a sneak peek at the opening credits for all you boffins out there.

Today involved a lot of waiting while Stan and Adam worked on the audio for TRiBE. They're all done now, but I didn't get into the room until about 7:30. This bottle-necking of resources and continuing software dramas has me shaking in my boots at the prospect of not finishing the project in time.

The fucking sound edit. It's Delete all over again.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Belated Norwegian lessons!

Belated Norwegian lessons! 3
Originally uploaded by JCriquet.

Sunday afternoon involved catching up with Lynda Ferguson who plays Siri. We got some coffee, then headed to Saxon's house for some rather late lessons in the Norse tongue. We'll see how things go with her re-record tomorrow.

I need sleep. Goodnight!

Trav Nash @ Rhino

Trav Nash @ Rhino
Originally uploaded by JCriquet.

Plenty of lovely and/or hideous photos from Trav Nash's appearance at Rhino Room over the weekend can be found on the Suit Up! flickr. Go to.

AFTRS Seminar: Podcasting And Viral Marketing

Peter sent out an email about this tonight, but I had actually already applied. (And not just because they mention Rocketboom in the blurb, thankyou very much.) Obviously this could be very interesting for someone like myself with a project like Suit Up!

Anyone else planning on registering?

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Too focused on the task at hand...

I was too busy all week to take photos of my actors as they were re-recording. Why must I be so damn dedicated to the task at hand? I need special features, damn it!

You can, at least, see one of our stars, Trav Nash, during his re-record here.

Will post more soon folks, but for now, it's Saturday!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

A comedy tonight...

A comedy tonight...
Originally uploaded by JCriquet.

Sorry not to have updated earlier, but I was without the Internet last night. Furthermore, I'm completely knackered.

The last two days have been spent putting the last few bits of Suit Up! together, ready for the audio edit which begins tomorrow. Things are looking far more complete now with the inclusion of some additional footage that we didn't have a few days ago, but I still am worried.

I think the addition of music and some off-screen audio elements will help things greatly. Time will tell.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Windows Live Writer

I'm giving Windows Live Writer (Beta) a bit of a crack today. If it does anything particularly awesome, I'll talk more on the matter. Anyways, I can't stay to chat; the format doesn't allow it. Furthermore, we have the last scheduled day of Suit Up! editing tomorrow. I should try and get at least some sleep. I'm terrified.

semi-fine edit

Monday, August 21, 2006

In the end, this is an ad for triple j

When it comes to the Internet and new media, triple j are worthy heroes of mine. Having maintained a large Internet presence for years now, beginning with the ability to listen to triple j from anywhere in the world via their Internet stream, and they just keep getting bigger and better. About two years ago they started their gig guide, an impressively well-informed guide to gigs and tours happening around the country. Last year, with the podcast revolution, triple j was right there amongst it, with podcast highlights for their major shows and entire episodes of Hack to download. Now they've branched out into television with JTV, which in addition to the half-hour standard format, also embraces digital television with an extended version broadcast on ABC2, and also a short-form vodcast.

The new Unearthed website is another example of a new spin on a triple j mainstay. For years the Unearthed event has been about exposing unsigned to new, nation-wide audiences. Initially going city-by-city, then state-by-state; the new website embraces the ability for artists to upload their own content and for users to find them this way. They've also expanded into the world of publishing with J-Mag.

Peter's always said that the ABC are pretty-much leading the way in terms of cross-platform media in Australia. All this stuff that's happening with triple j just backs that up. I didn't mean for this to turn into such a loveletter, but there you go. What can I say; new media excites me.

Web 2.0

Generated Image
Make your own Web 2.0 Logo
All week, I've been meaning to write a post about how exciting I think "Web 2.0" is. Blogging to the extent that I have this year has opened me up to a whole new world on the Internet. I've been able to syndicate my podcast through iTunes. I've been able to stay on top of my favourite news with RSS. I've been able to share and tag my photos through flickr. I can create word documents in my browser with Writely. I've been able to watch videos through YouTube, and remix them through JumpCut.

Web 2.0 for me is all about putting the power back in the hands of the people. An idealistic view, most certainly, but I love the idea that we have the power to communicate in ways that were once so completely out of reach. It makes me want to get my grandmothers into blogging, so they can be my own versions of Ol Grandma Hardcore, Millie Garfield and Geriatric1927. :D

::further reading::
Web 2.0 Bullshit Generator

Friday, August 18, 2006

YouTubers beware!!1!

The Midnight Court :: You Tube and Copyright in Consumer-Created Media:

Via the stupendously superb Ze Frank comes the news that You Tube has updated its terms of use to the effect that anyone using its service to upload video provides You Tube and any successor company (News International, anyone?) with a licence to exploit the images and make derivative works therefrom. As Ze says, they get to make money out of your work, You Tubers.
via the blog of Amanda Congdon on the topic of Geriatric1927.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fine editin'...

Editing 1
Originally uploaded by JCriquet.

Maxx and I have had two days of fine ediitng. The time has not been without it's interruptions and setbacks, and we've been put on hold til next Tuesday as Maxx has work commitments. Thankfully, he's sacrificed a day of Blind Portrait audio for the cause; he's doubtful that the BP music'll be composed in time.

Plenty more to be done. Stay tuned.

Monday, August 14, 2006

SALife Magazine: Club Characters

The current issue of SA Life has an article about people who work as mascots in Adelaide's two AFL teams.

Club characters
Karen Phillips unmasks the Crows and Power mascots to find our just who’s in the costumes. These young people are having a ball in disguise but remain mindful of the responsibility which comes with the suit.
Maybe I should've interviewed these guys when I was doing my research; then again, they sound a bit too chirpy and into it for my liking. How dare they enjoy what they do! I needed disgruntled!

Friday, August 11, 2006

This is a test...

Just a quick post before I get kicked out of the building. I had written a longer post, but Firefox crashed, dagnabbit.

Had a test screening of sorts this morning. About half the projects are through their fine edits now, but Suit Up! doesn't hit fine edit until this Monday. Nevertheless, we showed what we had so far to the assembled class plus a handful of first-years. It was a useful session with some good feedback.

I haven't mentioned too much about the edit of Suit Up! thus far, and i doubt that I'll have the time to do so at the moment, but I thought I might offer a few of my thoughts on the project as it stands. It needs a lot of tightening up; so much of comedy is timing, and at the moment the timing needs a lot of tweaking. The character of Saul is originally bisexual, but this is lost on most people, and somewhat mystifying to those that do pick up on it, as neither the script nor the performance clearly show this side of Saul's character. As such, we're probably going to be cutting that aspect right out; Craven will be single after all. A shame, because I liked our Brokeback reference.

Some of my colleagues suggested some fairly large cuts where they felt the joke had gone too far. One felt that the Croyt(sp?) reference especially would just offend people, and should probably be taken out. We also need to bookend the episodes with at least a title and short credits to show where each episode begins and ends.

There were several other notes, most of which I have written down, and we shall review them accordingly.

Another topic of discussion was how the episodes should be viewed at the end of year screening. I have thought for a while now that it would be in my best interest to show just one episode and to entice the audience into visiting the website to see more. I thought that this might suit better than watching the eps back-to-back. One suggestion made today, though, was that we screen the episodes between all the other films, such that it would go episode, film, episode, film, episode and so on. This idea could really work, and I'm excited to see how it works when we get to this stage of planning.

I might write some more as I think of it. Anyway, it's closing time. I'm off to SAFC industry drinks at Garage.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Happy... 102nd?

And I thought I was keeping an eye on things. Well, no, I wasn't - not eye enough, anyway - since I must now celebrate this as being my 102nd post, as opposed to my 100th as planned. Thanks to everyone who reads this blog! I can't wait to take it to the next step as we move on to the fine edit next week and on to new and exciting terrains.

HAPPY 102nd POST!!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Crossover Australia 2007

All my Advanced MAPS peeps might be interested in registering for Crossover Australia 2007, to be held as part of the Adelaide Film Festival.

Crossover Australia is a creative think tank that brings together independent artists, writers, filmmakers and new media producers with the aim of developing innovative digital and interactive projects. With the growth of broadband access and a plethora of emerging distribution platforms as a backdrop, Crossover Australia is a creative incubator devoted to building new forms of interactivity, such as true interactive television applications, IP and mobile TV content or even story-telling and programming inspired by RPGs (role playing games).
Sounds cool, but I'm hell-bent on getting me a pass to see every damn movie that's on. Maybe I'll see if I can do both... and Kino Kabaret as well!

Friday, August 04, 2006

I can't get a break... ooh, there's one.

(film)Budget 2006 (film)Budget 2006
Anyways, I've been frittering my time away elsewhere, catching up on a little bit of viewing and waiting for the weekend to roll around. I really should make a start on our project for the week.

The project involves us working out how much our films would have cost to make had we made them to industry standards. It's a somewhat fuzzy project requiring somewhat fuzzy figures and such, but I'll try and be as accurate as I can to get my undoubtedly fuzzy response. It was cool having Sonya Humphries in to M.A.P.S. to take us through it all; she seemed to know her stuff. We went through Suit Up! on the projector, which was helpful, but there's still much work to be done.

The soup gets cold...

Well, it has indeed been a quiet few days on the Suit Up! front. As it is near impossible to run anyone to ground with regard to my work, I have sat at home for the whole week doing not a whole lot. I have, however, finally finished watching Soup Of The Day. A crap ending, sad to say. That Brandon's an asshole. Not everything about that show worked, but there was some great improv from the actors and some really gold moments.

"Good luck making lieutenant with a bag of heroin in your hand, Supercop!"
Soup was a fun thing to watch every now and again, and was inspirational in terms of its scope and methods of delivery. Re-runs are "airing" on