Just a quick post before I get kicked out of the building. I had written a longer post, but Firefox crashed, dagnabbit.
Had a test screening of sorts this morning. About half the projects are through their fine edits now, but Suit Up! doesn't hit fine edit until this Monday. Nevertheless, we showed what we had so far to the assembled class plus a handful of first-years. It was a useful session with some good feedback.
I haven't mentioned too much about the edit of Suit Up! thus far, and i doubt that I'll have the time to do so at the moment, but I thought I might offer a few of my thoughts on the project as it stands. It needs a lot of tightening up; so much of comedy is timing, and at the moment the timing needs a lot of tweaking. The character of Saul is originally bisexual, but this is lost on most people, and somewhat mystifying to those that do pick up on it, as neither the script nor the performance clearly show this side of Saul's character. As such, we're probably going to be cutting that aspect right out; Craven will be single after all. A shame, because I liked our Brokeback reference.
Some of my colleagues suggested some fairly large cuts where they felt the joke had gone too far. One felt that the Croyt(sp?) reference especially would just offend people, and should probably be taken out. We also need to bookend the episodes with at least a title and short credits to show where each episode begins and ends.
There were several other notes, most of which I have written down, and we shall review them accordingly.
Another topic of discussion was how the episodes should be viewed at the end of year screening. I have thought for a while now that it would be in my best interest to show just one episode and to entice the audience into visiting the website to see more. I thought that this might suit better than watching the eps back-to-back. One suggestion made today, though, was that we screen the episodes between all the other films, such that it would go episode, film, episode, film, episode and so on. This idea could really work, and I'm excited to see how it works when we get to this stage of planning.
I might write some more as I think of it. Anyway, it's closing time. I'm off to SAFC industry drinks at Garage.