Monday, July 10, 2006

Halo and headbutts...

So, what's happening with the project over the next two weeks of holidays?

Not a whole lot, really. I do intend to start designing my website, and perhaps to increase my Internet presence in other areas, though that's been a bit of a dead-end thus far. I'm also still chasing the rights to use footage of Halo 2 in the show. The next step after that, I suppose, would be figuring out how to capture some HDV Halo footage!

I've been up all night. This morning my friend Tim and I watched France's heartbreak at the Alliance Francaise. It was an exciting match, but I was disappointed with the result. What was the deal with that head-butt, Zidane? What did he expect to happen after that?

Hope you all had a fun World Cup final.


Alan Sheldon said...

"Dear Zinedine, in such a hard and intense moment for you, I would like to express the whole nation's affection and admiration for you. You are a virtuoso, a genius of football and an exceptional human being. That is why France admires you." - Jacques Chirac

This is why the world admires him!

JCriquet said...

Heh. Yeah, that's me. Bandwaggoner extraordinaire.