Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Audio Philes

What's big in your world? In the world of Suit Up!, it's all about audio. Good audio, bad audio, last-minute audio... the end-of-it-all audio. At some time today, Suit Up! will be declared complete, and whatever audio is there, stays.

I've had a couple of issues with the sound mix as it is. Jen's done a great job for the most part, but there are a couple of issues that still need fixing. And then there's the ADR. Oh, the ADR.

I've always been so against ADR in films. Bad ADR is so easy to pick, and I've always held a "why didn't they just get it right the first time?" attitude. making films, though, I've learnt that sometimes, it's something that you just have to do. For Suit Up, we've had to do extensive amounts of ADR, for many and various reasons. This has worked in many cases by filling in a lot of blanks in the action, aiding the viewer, punctuating a scene, etc. For the most part, I'm pretty positive about the ADR. But it's also raised it's own set of problems, like the fact that it was done with a different mike, in a different room, without a camera to freak people out and give them a higher pitched voice, etc (I've learnt a lot about audio doing this stuff, which is cool). The stuff that we've got sticks out like a gangrenous thumb.

Not to worry. For the most part, the sound is fine. It's great. There'll be hiccups, but in the grand scheme of things, it won't matter all that much. Nevertheless, I'm going to wring every last bit of time out of today to try and iron out those last few creases. Wish me luck.

In the meantime, may I express my great thanks to our sound engineer, Jen, for her work on the audio. She was met with every kind of hardship, with software, bad audio, changing visuals, absent director, etc. and yet she somehow perservered. Good on you, Jen!

Thanks also to Tim Whitt for coming here to MAPS on several occasions to help with all things audio. You're a legend.

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